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Ole Miss college sweethearts Logan and Channing met during their first week in Oxford, Mississippi, in the exact spot where Logan said “I do” approximately three years later. The couple first met through mutual friends in a room in Stockard, a dorm on campus. They were both invited to a small freshman get together when everyone was still trying to get to know each other. Logan and Channing were instantly attracted to each other, and Logan remembers messaging one of her friends about him in the middle of the gathering. Despite only talking briefly that night, they both felt a spark that would eventually bond them for life.

Oxford Mississippi College Sweetheart Photoshoot Proposal Rooftop With Gold Dress
Following that initial encounter, Logan received a follow request from Channing on Instagram, which she immediately accepted before returning the gesture. The two began messaging via social media and then talking every day. Eventually, Logan and Channing became inseparable. Meeting over weekly Mexican dinner dates, their relationship bloomed. The couple attended Greek Life conferences together, cheered on Ole Miss football games together, and participated in every sorority and fraternity date party as a couple. The best part? They were best friends. 
Oxford Mississippi College Sweetheart Photoshoot Proposal Loving Look
Oxford Mississippi College Sweetheart Photoshoot Proposal Smiling Hug
Fast forward to 2020, with Channing graduating college a year early and Logan graduating a semester early. Because of COVID-19 restrictions this past summer, neither of them was able to celebrate their graduation or take photos to commemorate the event. So, when Channing suggested that they should plan a graduation photo session with just the two of them, Logan was not at all suspicious. They asked one of their good friends to take the pictures—Logan totally unaware that Channing and her friend were planning a surprise engagement! Logan’s friends and Channing never once gave Logan a reason to suspect something was going on, despite all the plans they had to hide.
Oxford Mississippi College Sweetheart Photoshoot Proposal Standing With Graduation Cap
Oxford Mississippi College Sweetheart Photoshoot Proposal Kissing With Graduation Cap
Finally, the day of the proposal arrived. The pair took photos at all the usual spots on campus around Oxford. Eventually, Channing and Logan made their way over to Rowan Oak, a historical part of Oxford. As they were getting out of the car, Logan accidentally poked the ring box in Channing’s pocket. Although Channing’s heart stopped, Logan was totally unaware of what she had done. They started posing near a charming home when Logan noticed the photographer’s sudden look of excitement. Logan turned around to look at Channing and saw that he was down on one knee. 
Oxford Mississippi College Sweetheart Photoshoot Proposal Phone Booth Smile
Oxford Mississippi College Sweetheart Photoshoot Proposal Black And White Sky Shot
Logan was completely taken aback by the proposal, and the moment felt like it happened in slow motion. When the initial shock subsided, Logan answered “Yes!” with much excitement. After taking a few more photos, the couple returned to Channing’s house, where he planned the sweetest, intimate surprise party with friends. And, to commemorate the evening most fittingly, the newly-engaged Ole Miss college sweethearts went out for a late-night Mexican dinner—just the two of them.

photographer: Catherine Jeffers, Madeleine B. Photography

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