10 Essential Fashion Tips For The Groom and Groomsmen | Southern Bride
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On the wedding day, the bride and her entourage present an almost ethereal vision. The groom and his men must be dressed in their best too. But often, the men’s outfits are left for the last moment or rushed. The men should try to complement the look of the ladies and complete the beautiful picture. It is imperative that the groomsmen must coordinate their looks and get everything in order so that the groom can shine on his big day.

Ten Essential Fashion Tips For The Groom And Groomsmen groomsmen

Here are 10 essential fashion tips that will help the groom and groomsmen elevate their look and match the glow of the ladies.

1. The ensemble must match the theme and formality of the occasion. The groom cannot show up in a poplin suit if the wedding is a white tie event. The groomsmen are also expected to match the dress code. If the elegantly dressed ladies are the charm of the event, well-dressed men bring grace to the event.

2. Men should not underestimate the effect of a good fit. Ill-fitting attire can take away from the charm, while a good fit makes a man look dapper.

3. The groom’s outfit should complement the bride’s gown. The groomsmen can match the color scheme of the wedding with their pocket squares or neckwear.

4. The attire of the groom and groomsmen must be distinguishable, with something like a special tie, boutonniere, or vest for the groom.

5. The best attire will still lack finesse if the wearer is not groomed well. Let there be no unkempt hair and unshaped beards at a wedding venue. Some salon sessions should be due in the week before the wedding.

6. It is a good idea to add some personality and individual style with accessories like cufflinks and statement watches.

Ten Essential Fashion Tips For The Groom And Groomsmen cuffs

7. The men must select the best dress boots or shoes to go with their attire. This is a part of the look that often gets neglected. Shoes or boots must be clean and well-polished.

8. The men can stick to the classic, deeper colors or make a foray into lighter or bold colors if the wedding theme allows it.

9. Mixing traditional and modern elements is an option. A trendy, but elegant haircut might look fantastic with a classic suit or tuxedo.

10. For the ensemble to reflect its true glory, each part should be ironed and smooth. The garments must have well-defined creases. Even the best quality and most expensive outfit will make a man look sloppy if it bears unwarranted wrinkles.

The outfits should be ready with all alterations and fittings complete a few days before the wedding. Being well-prepared works wonders for confidence, and confidence is the best accessory for the groom as well as his men.


Images by Pexels

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