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Wedding Bells are Ringing!

Wedding Bells are Ringing!

Year after year, the holiday season is the most popular time to get engaged. There is something undeniably special about getting engaged during the holidays, whether it’s the excitement of sparkling Christmas lights, the romance of a snowy landscape, or the spirit of...
Dripping in Diamonds on Your Big Day

Dripping in Diamonds on Your Big Day

The diamond is a modern day symbol of love and the commitment of forever, making this stone an excellent choice when selecting your wedding day jewelry. Whether you’re looking for classic designs or want to follow the trends, Sissy’s Log Cabin can help you create a...
How to Find Your “Something Blue” Wedding Jewelry

How to Find Your “Something Blue” Wedding Jewelry

Who hasn’t heard the centuries old wedding rhyme something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue referring to the must-have items for good luck on your wedding day? There are no rules for what each item should be, which has helped keep this Victorian...
At-Home Ring Shopping Because Sometimes, Love Can’t Wait

At-Home Ring Shopping Because Sometimes, Love Can’t Wait

Every girl dreams of her forever romance. It usually goes something like… Girl meets boy. They fall in love. They become engaged. They plan a beautiful wedding. But never does it include canceling or postponing due to a pandemic. It sounds like something from a...
How to Wear Pearls from Every Day to Wedding Day

How to Wear Pearls from Every Day to Wedding Day

Though the more formal, vintage look of pearls can make them daunting to incorporate into your style, they’re sure to add a sophisticated touch to any outfit, for any occasion. Keep pearls in your regular jewelry rotation with the suggestions below. How to Wear...
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