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Alexa and James were praying for a snowy, winter engagement session. Since they’re getting married in early September 2020, where hopefully the Seattle area will grant some sun, they wanted a beautiful wintery scene for their images. Even the night before looked like the mountains were going to hold the snow at bay despite our attempt at picking the perfect time.

As fate would have it though, December in Snoqualmie brought us a blanket of gorgeous soft snow. The kind that you see in Hallmark movies that stick to your nose and eyelashes. Which is exactly what we hoped for as those two braved the cold weather all dressed up with no wintery coats for my absolute favorite images of my career so far.

James’ parents own a cabin in Snoqualmie Pass, near the ski town of Alpental. It was the perfect place to run around and capture moments that speak to how Alexa and James grew up. Alexa and James grew up snowboarding and skiing, so it was such a fun place to tie in the two childhoods together that will help shape the memories they will make together. After trampling through the snow that was up to our knees in some places, we retreated back to Dru Bru to eat and warm up with a good beer.

James and Alexa have amazing taste when it comes to beer, from how it’s brewed to trying all kinds. We even asked if we could run into the back where all the huge barrels are that they use to brew their own beer as a tribute to the things they love together. Every part of the day felt like I was witnessing a real Hallmark love story come true. From the snowy kisses to warming ourselves by the fire with great drinks, it fit their love one hundred percent.

Images provided by Tia LaRue Photography LLC

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