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Artificial Vs. Real Flowers For Your Wedding Woman Holding Pink And White Flowers

Artificial flowers for your wedding may sound like a suggestion from the 70s, thankfully these aren’t your grandma’s fake flowers…we promise. They fly across international waters, bend, not snap, and do it all on a budget. Not too shabby for hand-sourced, real-touch, fake flowers.

But let’s face it – they have a stigma. The cheap truth, they look anything but cheap. LeAnne Samuelson, Afloral’s creative director, loves working with silk flowers. “They get tossed around, thrown in the truck for shoots. I’m not nice to them.” Thankfully, with wire stems and easy to fluff petals, they bounce back. “The worst thing that happens is the stem gets bent. I bend it back – who cares,” she says.

Who cares. That’s the mindset with fake flowers, let it be simple. You can choose any color, any season, anytime. Cherry blossoms in September, why not? Blue ombre orchids, absolutely. You can even match a bouquet to your wedding colors (call us, we’re on it).  It’s not rocket science, it’s just real science. Real touch flowers feel cold to the touch, UV protected petals can withstand the sunniest beach wedding, and post-honeymoon you can drop them in a vase without a splash of water. Because artificial flowers last forever, you can revamp your bouquet at any time into a floral DIY

Whether you’ve been adding to your “Dream Day” Pinterest board since high school or are more of the shotgun wedding type, fake flowers make for the perfect guest of honor. You can plan ahead and know exactly what your bouquet will look like (months in advance) or order a premade bouquet off our site and elope flowers in hand. And none of it will cost you your honeymoon fund. Yes, flowers are an expensive part of any wedding, fake or real, but if you are after something specific or are short on time, artificial flowers take the cake. Literally, you can put them on the cake.  If we haven’t swooned you over to the dark side yet, I understand. We love real flowers just as much as you do. But some of us have allergies, we’re all on a budget, and all anyone wants is for their wedding planning to be easy. Fake flowers are easy. Anyway, we hear vintage themed weddings are all the rage this season.

images provided by Afloral

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